参考 Image Quality Assessment
1 说明 图像质量评估(Image Quality Assessment(IQA))看起来是个非常主观的事,但是可以借鉴一些方法,目前主流方法分两类
主要区别是,基于引用的评估方法需要依赖一张高质量的图片作为评估源,来比较两张图之间的区别。常用的基于引用的评估方法是结构相似性索引(Structural Similarity Index(SSIM))。
2 无引用图片质量评估 它不需要引用图片,仅仅依赖于接收到的图片信息,称为盲测方法。分为两步(1)计算能够描述图片结构的特征(2)计算与人类对于图片质量观点相关的特征。TID2008是一个基于方法论的数据集,它描述了如何从引用图片中评估人类的观点,被广泛用于对比IQA算法的性能。
2.1 Blind/referenceless image spatial quality evaluator (BRISQUE) BRISQUE是一种仅使用图像像素来计算特征(其他方法都是基于图像转换到其他空间,比如wavelet 或者DCT)。非常高效,因为它不需要其他任何信息来计算其特征。
它依赖于空间域中局部正规化的亮度系数的空间自然场景统计(Spatial Natural Scene Statistics(NSS))模型,以及这些系数的点与点之间的内积的模型。
2.2 方法论 2.2.1 Natural Scene Statistics in the Spatial Domain 给定图像$I(i,j)$,首先通过减去局部均值$\mu (i,j)$,然后除以局部方差$\delta(i,j)$ 来计算局部亮度系数$\hat I(i,j)$。加上$C$是为了避免除以0.
$$ \hat I(i,j) = \frac{I(i,j)-\mu(i,j)}{\delta(i,j)+c}\ 其中如果I(i,j)\in [0,255],则C=1,如果 \in [0,1],那么C=1/255 $$ 为了计算局部归一化的亮度,即平均减去的对比度归一化(MSCN)系数,首先,我们需要计算局部均值。 $$ \mu (i,j) = \sum {k=-K} ^{K} \sum {I=-k} ^L w {k,l}I {k,l}(i,j) \ 其中w是尺寸为(K,L)的高斯核 $$ 计算代码
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 def normalize_kernel(kernel): return kernel / np.sum(kernel) def gaussian_kernel2d(n, sigma): Y, X = np.indices((n, n)) - int(n/2) gaussian_kernel = 1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * np.exp(-(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2)) return normalize_kernel(gaussian_kernel) def local_mean(image, kernel): return signal.convolve2d(image, kernel, 'same')
然后计算局部偏差 $$ \sigma(i,j)\sqrt{\sum_{k=-K} ^K \sum {l=-L} ^L w {k,l}(I_{k,l}(i,j)-\mu(i,j))^2 } $$ 代码
1 2 3 4 5 def local_deviation(image, local_mean, kernel): "Vectorized approximation of local deviation" sigma = image ** 2 sigma = signal.convolve2d(sigma, kernel, 'same') return np.sqrt(np.abs(local_mean ** 2 - sigma)
最后,我们可以计算得到MSCN系数 $$ \hat I(i,j) = \frac{I(i,j)-\mu(i,j)}{\sigma(i,j)+C} $$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 def calculate_mscn_coefficients(image, kernel_size=6, sigma=7/6): C = 1/255 kernel = gaussian_kernel2d(kernel_size, sigma=sigma) local_mean = signal.convolve2d(image, kernel, 'same') local_var = local_deviation(image, local_mean, kernel) return (image - local_mean) / (local_var + C)
作者发现一个扭曲的图片的MSCN系数服从一个广义高斯分布(GGD) $$ f(x;\alpha,\sigma ^2)=\frac{\alpha}{2\beta T(1/\alpha)}e^{-(\frac{|x|}{\beta})^{\alpha}} \ 其中 \beta = \sigma\sqrt{\frac{T(\frac{1}{\alpha})}{T(\frac{3}{\alpha})}},T是伽马函数,\alpha的形状控制形状以及\sigma ^2的方差 $$
1 2 3 4 def generalized_gaussian_dist(x, alpha, sigma): beta = sigma * np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / alpha) / special.gamma(3 / alpha)) coefficient = alpha / (2 * beta() * special.gamma(1 / alpha)) return coefficient * np.exp(-(np.abs(x) / beta) ** alpha)
2.2.2 相邻MSCN系数的点对内积 邻接的系数的符号也代表了某种特定结构,可能是某种扭曲的分布。邻接MSCN系数点对内积的沿着四个方向
$$ D2(i,j) = \hat I(i,j)\hat I(i+1,j+1) $$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 def calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients): return collections.OrderedDict({ 'mscn': mscn_coefficients, 'horizontal': mscn_coefficients[:, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[:, 1:], 'vertical': mscn_coefficients[:-1, :] * mscn_coefficients[1:, :], 'main_diagonal': mscn_coefficients[:-1, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[1:, 1:], 'secondary_diagonal': mscn_coefficients[1:, :-1] * mscn_coefficients[:-1, 1:] })
广义高斯分布不能很好的拟合系数内积的经验直方图。因此,又提出了 Asymmetric Generalized Gaussian Distribution (AGGD)[非对称广义高斯分布模型](Multiscale skewed heavy-tailed model for texture analysis. Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing)
$$ f(x;v,\sigma _l ^2,\sigma _r ^2) = \frac{v}{(\beta _l+\beta _r)T(\frac{1}{v})}e^{(-(\frac{-x}{\beta _l})^v)} \quad\quad x<0 \ f(x;v,\sigma _l ^2,\sigma _r ^2) = \frac{v}{(\beta _l+\beta _r)T(\frac{1}{v})}e^{(-(\frac{-x}{\beta _r})^v)} \quad\quad x\gt 0 \ 其中 \beta _{side} = \sigma _{side}\sqrt{\frac{T(\frac{1}{v})}{T(\frac{3}{v})}} ,side 可以是 r 或 l \ 前面没有提到的参数是均值 m = (\beta _r-\beta_l)\frac{T(\frac{2}{v})}{T(frac{1}{v})} $$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 def asymmetric_generalized_gaussian(x, nu, sigma_l, sigma_r): def beta(sigma): return sigma * np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / nu) / special.gamma(3 / nu)) coefficient = nu / ((beta(sigma_l) + beta(sigma_r)) * special.gamma(1 / nu)) f = lambda x, sigma: coefficient * np.exp(-(x / beta(sigma)) ** nu) return np.where(x < 0, f(-x, sigma_l), f(x, sigma_r))
2.2.3 拟合AGGD
计算$\hat \gamma,其中N_l$是负样本数量,而$N_r$是正样本数量. $$ \hat \gamma = \frac{\sqrt{\frac{1}{N_l}\sum_{k=1,x_k<0} ^{N_l}x_k ^2}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{N_r}\sum_{k=1,x_k<0} ^{N_r}x_k ^2}} $$
计算$\hat r$ $$ \hat r = \frac{(\frac{\sum|x_k|}{N_l+N_r})^2}{\frac{\sum x_k ^2}{N_l+N_r}} $$
使用$\hat \gamma ,\hat r$计算$\hat R$ $$ \hat R = \hat r\frac{(\hat \gamma ^3+1)(\hat \gamma +1)}{(\hat \gamma ^2+1)^2} $$
使用反广义高斯比率计算$\alpha$ $$ \rho (\alpha) =\frac{T(2/\alpha)^2}{T(1/\alpha)T(3/\alpha)} $$
评估左右scale参数 $$ \sigma _l = sqrt{\frac{1}{N_l-1}\sum _{k=l,x_k<0} ^{N_l} x_k ^2} \ \sigma _r = sqrt{\frac{1}{N_r-1}\sum _{k=r,x_k\gt 0} ^{N_r} x_k ^2} $$
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 def asymmetric_generalized_gaussian_fit(x): def estimate_phi(alpha): numerator = special.gamma(2 / alpha) ** 2 denominator = special.gamma(1 / alpha) * special.gamma(3 / alpha) return numerator / denominator def estimate_r_hat(x): size = np.prod(x.shape) return (np.sum(np.abs(x)) / size) ** 2 / (np.sum(x ** 2) / size) def estimate_R_hat(r_hat, gamma): numerator = (gamma ** 3 + 1) * (gamma + 1) denominator = (gamma ** 2 + 1) ** 2 return r_hat * numerator / denominator def mean_squares_sum(x, filter = lambda z: z == z): filtered_values = x[filter(x)] squares_sum = np.sum(filtered_values ** 2) return squares_sum / ((filtered_values.shape)) def estimate_gamma(x): left_squares = mean_squares_sum(x, lambda z: z < 0) right_squares = mean_squares_sum(x, lambda z: z >= 0) return np.sqrt(left_squares) / np.sqrt(right_squares) def estimate_alpha(x): r_hat = estimate_r_hat(x) gamma = estimate_gamma(x) R_hat = estimate_R_hat(r_hat, gamma) solution = optimize.root(lambda z: estimate_phi(z) - R_hat, [0.2]).x return solution[0] def estimate_sigma(x, alpha, filter = lambda z: z < 0): return np.sqrt(mean_squares_sum(x, filter)) def estimate_mean(alpha, sigma_l, sigma_r): return (sigma_r - sigma_l) * constant * (special.gamma(2 / alpha) / special.gamma(1 / alpha)) alpha = estimate_alpha(x) sigma_l = estimate_sigma(x, alpha, lambda z: z < 0) sigma_r = estimate_sigma(x, alpha, lambda z: z >= 0) constant = np.sqrt(special.gamma(1 / alpha) / special.gamma(3 / alpha)) mean = estimate_mean(alpha, sigma_l, sigma_r) return alpha, mean, sigma_l, sigma_r
2.2.4 计算BRISQUE特征 计算图像质量的特征即拟合MSCN系数的结果并移动shifted内积到广义高斯分布。首先,我们需要拟合MSCN系数到GDD,然后点对内积到AGGD。特征概要如下
Feature Description
Computation Procedure
$f_1-f_2 $
Shape and variance
Fit GGD to MSCN coefficients
Shape, mean, left variance, right variance
Fit AGGD to H pairwise products
Shape, mean, left variance, right variance
Fit AGGD to V pairwise products
Shape, mean, left variance, right variance
Fit AGGD to D1 pairwise products
Shape, mean, left variance, right variance
Fit AGGD to D2 pairwise products
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 def calculate_brisque_features(image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7/6): def calculate_features(coefficients_name, coefficients, accum=np.array([])): alpha, mean, sigma_l, sigma_r = asymmetric_generalized_gaussian_fit(coefficients) if coefficients_name == 'mscn': var = (sigma_l ** 2 + sigma_r ** 2) / 2 return [alpha, var] return [alpha, mean, sigma_l ** 2, sigma_r ** 2] mscn_coefficients = calculate_mscn_coefficients(image, kernel_size, sigma) coefficients = calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients) features = [calculate_features(name, coeff) for name, coeff in coefficients.items()] flatten_features = list(chain.from_iterable(features)) return np.array(flatten_features)
2.3 计算图像质量 首先,我们需要两个辅助函数
1 2 3 4 def plot_histogram(x, label): n, bins = np.histogram(x.ravel(), bins=50) n = n / np.max(n) plt.plot(bins[:-1], n, label=label, marker='o')
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mscn_coefficients = calculate_mscn_coefficients(gray_image, 7, 7/6) coefficients = calculate_pair_product_coefficients(mscn_coefficients) for name, coeff in coefficients.items(): plot_histogram(coeff.ravel(), name) plt.axis([-2.5, 2.5, 0, 1.05]) plt.legend() plt.show()
1 brisque_features = calculate_brisque_features(gray_image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7/6)
1 2 3 4 ownscaled_image = cv2.resize(gray_image, None, fx=1/2, fy=1/2, interpolation = cv2.INTER_CUBIC) downscale_brisque_features = calculate_brisque_features(downscaled_image, kernel_size=7, sigma=7/6) brisque_features = np.concatenate((brisque_features, downscale_brisque_features))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 def scale_features(features): with open('normalize.pickle', 'rb') as handle: scale_params = pickle.load(handle) min_ = np.array(scale_params['min_']) max_ = np.array(scale_params['max_']) return -1 + (2.0 / (max_ - min_) * (features - min_)) def calculate_image_quality_score(brisque_features): model = svmutil.svm_load_model('brisque_svm.txt') scaled_brisque_features = scale_features(brisque_features) x, idx = svmutil.gen_svm_nodearray( scaled_brisque_features, isKernel=(model.param.kernel_type == svmutil.PRECOMPUTED)) nr_classifier = 1 prob_estimates = (svmutil.c_double * nr_classifier)() return svmutil.libsvm.svm_predict_probability(model, x, prob_estimates) calculate_image_quality_score(brisque_features)
3 结论 方法在TID2008数据集上测试,并且效果不错,即便与引用IQA方法比起来。后续可以用XGBoost,LightGBM方法来训练识别步骤来提高效率。